Welcome to the Chubb Claims Portal

To start your claim we need from you:

  • Your mobile phone number
    (as mentioned in your policy)
  • Details of your insured device incl. make, model
    (GB and colour), IMEI number
  • An email address, to which you have access to at all times
  • Your Chubb insurance policy (to match your data)

With our Claims Portal, you can notify us of all relevant details on your claim easily and online. You will receive an email with your claim details and additional information on the next steps directly after submitting it.

Please do not send any devices directly to us. You will receive a shipping label for free shipping after an accepted claim.
For questions or missing shipping label please contact our service centre.

Please take note of the following points, before you will start

Time limit

To protect your data, the process will automatically be halted, when you remain inactive for 20 minutes. If the time limit has expired, you will need to start over.

Only one session

Your claim notice must be completed within one session. Please start the process only, when you have all required information at hand. It is not possible to make multiple claims simultanuously using a different browser tab or window.

Make your claim today

If you should abandon your claim report before the last page all your entered information will be lost.Therefore, please ensure that you complete all the questions. You will also find additional information to the questions on each page to help you answer them.


Are you sure you want to leave?

Note: If you proceed, the Chubb Claim Center cannot save your answers or application for later use.

Why are you leaving this claim? Let us know.

Your session is about to expire.

You will be logged out in

2 Minutes

How was your experience

(Please click one. Thank you!)

Any comments or suggestions?

Welcome to the
Chubb Claims Center